A Philosophy of Nursing Forum
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
This Blog has been moribund for quite a while, as most of the folks who are interested in this subject matter at present have made use of the nursing philosophy listserv, kindly maintained by our UK friends. I hope, though, to resurrect it in the near future.

The blog has proved to be quite useful for philosophy in some ways, permitting scholars who work in (relatively) narrow areas to communicate with each other, and providing a vehicle for those new to a field, or just wanting to explore it, to easily access ongoing discussion. And, unlike listserv-type communication vehicles, a blog does not contribute to e-mail inbox overcrowding.

Let's see if we can give this another go.
This Blog is devoted to philosophical inquiry into nursing. If you would like to POST a paper, contact: philprofbob@care2.com. To comment on a post, 1) go to the bottom of the posting you wish to comment on and click on the word "comments;" 2) type in, or paste in, your comments; 3) beneath the words "choose an identity," at the bottom of the field, select "other" (NOT "Blogger!"); 4) type in your name, perform the "word verification" if required, and preview and publish your comments.

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Writer, Adjunct Philosophy Professor, and Nurse. Formerly an Attorney. Political and Religious liberal (with a capital "L"). Gun lover (I AM American, after all is said and done). Dog lover.

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