A Philosophy of Nursing Forum
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hello all! Greetings from the great South. As a part of a class assignment. My doctoral students will be answering the following questions on the blog. Please help me guide them and critique their response. Many thanks!

1. Do you agree or disagree with Pesut and Johnson’s assertion that “philosophical inquiry has yet to be positioned as contributing substantially to the field of nursing’s inquiry.” Why or why not?

2. Do you think that ignoring philosophy in nursing “puts nursing at risk”? Why or why not?

3. What can the historical roots of nursing add to the scientific advancement of the profession?
This Blog is devoted to philosophical inquiry into nursing. If you would like to POST a paper, contact: philprofbob@care2.com. To comment on a post, 1) go to the bottom of the posting you wish to comment on and click on the word "comments;" 2) type in, or paste in, your comments; 3) beneath the words "choose an identity," at the bottom of the field, select "other" (NOT "Blogger!"); 4) type in your name, perform the "word verification" if required, and preview and publish your comments.

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Writer, Adjunct Philosophy Professor, and Nurse. Formerly an Attorney. Political and Religious liberal (with a capital "L"). Gun lover (I AM American, after all is said and done). Dog lover.

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